22 Prompts to Help You Start Manifesting Your Dreams

Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

Stop me if you’ve heard this one:

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme

K, so now that I’ve gotten the song in your head (sorry, not sorry!), what are you thinking about?

Are you trying to remember where the song is from? (It’s Pinocchio, by the way 😉).
Maybe you thought about a starry night, a fairy godmother, and a magic wand.
Or - even better - maybe you tapped into what your heart desires… 

See, the thing about our aspirations: for many of us, they are a brief, fleeting moment in time - something they can feel or yearn for, but something they bury quickly because they dismiss them as “just a dream”. Then, days, weeks or months later they find that same feeling floating around inside them, only to dismiss them again. It’s a habit that is all too easy to develop because it’s easier to dismiss than it is to actually start doing.

But here’s the thing: contrary to what the song says, your dreams don’t just “come to you” if all you’re doing is wishing upon a star (if it were only that easy, amirite?!). But, no -  as with all good things in life, making dreams come true takes effort.

So how can you start to move from a place of simply thinking about your dream to making them a reality?

By starting a Manifestation Journal and using a pen as your magic wand.

Why Does Journaling Work?

The simple act of writing something down moves a thought or feeling into a more concrete reality.

Journaling comes in all forms, and for me, it’s a key daily self-care practice. But what I’ve found is that when it comes to journaling to manifest your dreams, it is an invaluable tool that will help:

  • Clarify your intentions. 

  • Align with what you actually want.

  • Bring a focused state to defining the what/why/how/etc of your aspirations.

  • Visualize your dreams and how you’ll make them come true.

  • Establish a daily routine - after all the energy and mindset needed to manifest change is something you need to practice diligently and consistently. 

How to Get Started in 4 Easy Steps

  1. Choose a Journal: Take some time with this one. After all, this book is going to contain some pretty intimate thoughts about your dreams and desires so it should reflect and be special to you. You’ll be using it every day, so you should feel motivated and inspired to write in it each time you see it. I received my lovely journal as a gift from a good friend of mine. I took it along for my journey abroad and i’ve nearly used all the pages up: Peter Pauper Press, small format journal. They have all sorts of sizes, and decorative covers to choose from.

  2. Choose a Pen: This, after all, is your magic wand. For all the same reasons why choosing the right journal is important, choosing the pen is equally as important. For me, I love writing with a nice black gel pen, but others like a colourful ballpoint.

  3. Choose a Time: Some people like journaling in the morning with their fresh cup of coffee. Some like to do it right before bed. Take a week to see what works best for you, noticing if one time is more motivating than the other, more creative, quieter, etc. 

  4. Choose a Journal Prompt: We’ve curated a list of some journal prompts to help get you started. Just choose one to answer each day over the next two weeks to start. We promise you won’t regret it.

Manifestation Journal Prompts

  1. What are three of your biggest life goals? Think long-term.

  2. What does your life mean to you?

  3. Close your eyes and take a few minutes to visualize what your ideal life is. Write what you saw.

  4. What are you prepared to do in pursuit of your happiness?

  5. What do you value most in life? 

  6. What actions are you taking NOW to get you closer to your dream(s)?

  7. What are three of your smaller life goals? Think shorter-term.

  8. Does what you’re doing today align with your vision and your life purpose?

  9. If you knew your life was going to end at 65, would you do things differently today?

  10. If you knew your life was going to end in a year, would you do things differently today?

  11. What means more to you: time or money?

  12. Why are you worthy of love, friendship and intimacy?

  13. What are some things you’ve already accomplished that you’re super proud of?

  14. From 1-10, how important is it to you to become more successful than you are now? (With 1 being “not important at all” and 10 being “extremely important”).

  15. Gently close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. When done, open your eyes and write down everything you want in life in a stream-of-consciousness style. Don’t worry if you think it’s right/wrong, realistic or not, or even if you misspell something - just write and keep writing.

  16. What are 10 things you love and admire about yourself?

  17. Write down 5 negative thoughts or feelings you have. Now make them into something positive.

  18. How have your desires changed in the past five years?

  19. From 1-10, how important is it to to you to find your purpose in life? (With 1 being “not important at all” and 10 being “extremely important”).

  20. How have your desires changed in 2020?

  21. Write about what makes you anxious. What causes you fear, uncertainty, doubt?

  22. What do you think are your limiting beliefs? (Tip: check out our blog post on How to Identify Your Limiting Beliefs for a simple exercise to do this).

Happy Journaling, guys!

Noël x

Are you ready to start living Your Everyday Dream? Check out the Design Your Dream Blueprint now!


Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs (Part One)


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