Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs (Part One)

Photo by Jonatan Pie on Unsplash

Photo by Jonatan Pie on Unsplash

“The most important person you talk to every day is yourself.”

We’ve all heard that saying (or at least a version of it) and with good reason: because it’s true.

Unfortunately though, another truth is that for most of us, we are our own worst critic. Maybe you’ve told yourself one of these (or a version of it) at some point in your life:

“I’m not fit enough to start that new exercise class.”

“I don’t want people to think I’m crazy.”

“I can’t afford to take time off to travel.”

“I’m not smart enough to get that job.”

These are all called “self-limiting beliefs” - and everyone has them. I mean, I still have them from time to time too! They make you second-guess yourself: your decisions, your goals, your worth - your DREAMS (sad face).

The reality is that we’re REALLY good at telling ourselves stories, but it’s super hard for us to be gentle and compassionate with ourselves.

And they’re a pain in the butt.

But there’s hope: you can quiet those nagging voices and stop them from being so overpowering. Yes, it’s a process and does take some work (after all, the criticism, judgment and completely unfounded self-comments have been within you for a long time!), but you can start with a simple exercise to make you more conscious of what your limiting beliefs are.

Getting to Know Your Limiting Beliefs

Here’s a quick exercise you can use to start to uncover what your limiting beliefs are. It’s simple but effective as a starting point as you get to know how your inner voice is stopping you.

Step One: Get into a comfortable position that you can still write in. Gently close your eyes, taking three deep breaths from the belly inhaling through your nose then softly exhaling through your mouth. 


Step Two: Get your journal (or a piece of paper) and start writing down ALL your dreams, desires, aspirations and goals. We’re talking no holds barred here - no filter, no censoring, no second-guessing. Let it all surface and flow: the things you want to see, places you want to go, things you’d like to try, people you want to meet, experiences you want to feel. Write down anything and everything that comes to your mind, big and small. This is YOUR list.

Step Three: Now, on a separate page/piece of paper, list all the reasons why you can’t have what you want. Just like in Step Two, don’t filter your answers - just write whatever is coming through. 


The words staring back at you are the stories and beliefs that are limiting you.

We’ll talk more about what to do next in Part Two of Limiting Beliefs Ask yourself, but for now, take a look at your answers and ask yourself: Is it actually like this?

- Noël x

Are you ready to say goodbye to limiting beliefs? Check out the Design Your Dream Program now!


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