How Hiring A Coach Can Benefit You, Here’s How It Helped Me

Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

How hiring a coach helped me further along my journey, and here’s how a coach can benefit you.

Back in September 2019, I was well on my way to saving and paying off debt in prep for my

big move to the other side of the world. During that time, a friend recommended that I link up with a friend she had, also from Brooklyn, and currently living in Bali.

I thought, wow, that is a sign, this woman is also from BK, like me and living in Bali, where I was planning on going in Feb 2020. I felt compelled to reach out to this person, learn about her story, understand the challenges she faced, if any, while living abroad, etc. and I'm so glad I did.

We had hit it off from the start; we spent about 2 hours learning about each other and sharing our stories. It was refreshing, and I had discovered that she was starting her coaching masterclass to help women create an online business and keep a healthy mindset.

I ended up joining her group masterclass and meeting some amazing, talented woman, who I can now call my tribe.

I learned so much about myself during that six months coaching class. I had the collective support and confidence to express myself, my fears, aspirations, and ideas, all with my coach’s guidance to motivate me and keep me pushing myself.

There is power in numbers. Think about it; look at all the athletic teams and athletes in the world; they all have coaches to support them and guide their greatness, keep them accountable and help them enhance and improve along the way.

Nowadays, coaches are becoming the norm, and more and more everyday people are seeking to work with them, not just for athletes, professionals, and people with specific issues. I mean,  Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates even use coaches to provide them with feedback and support.

A coach is beneficial for everyone to have honestly. Here are some benefits of having a coach, especially during these dreary, questionable times in the world.

  1. Support - We all need some reinforcement here and there from people who have unbiased opinions. 

  2. Accountability - they help you stay committed to your goals and remind you why you started when you want to give up.

  3. Confidence - help you see your true potential and remind you what you can until you believe it yourself.

  4. Guidance - works with you to create an actionable plane and help you break down the process of obtaining your goals into smaller steps, so it's manageable and doesn't appear overwhelming.

  5. Perspective - helps you see alternative avenues and different perspectives, approaches, etc.

  6. Motivation - Help you keep a healthy attitude and mindset, to ensure that you continue to move past your comfort zone and believe in yourself.

  7. Support - We all need some reinforcement here and there from people who have unbiased opinions. 

  8. Timeline - Helps you obtain results, with an action plan and accountability, to ensure faster than you would if you were doing it alone.

In the world of 2020, there is so much uncertainty and chaos surrounding us now more than ever, finding a coach who can help support you, motivate you, and keep you going on the path closer to your vision is KEY. We all need support, I mean even coaches, have coaches.

For more information about how we can work together, book your call today!


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