The Gift That Woke Me Up And Changed My Life

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Did you wake up today feeling grateful and excited to be working towards your goals? I know I did, but I also realize that that wasn't the case at all three years ago.

 I woke up uninspired, unmotivated, and unclear about my life in terms of what I wanted. I felt as though I was going through the motions and came away feeling underwhelmed and confused with my career and my future.

 I knew I needed a change, a different path because my intuition was screaming for it, but I didn't know the what, where, how, and honestly, I was unclear why I felt this way.

Seeing the silver lining and how it woke me up :

 I mean, I worked for a great fashion brand in NYC, making a generous salary, eating and drinking at great places with my friends, and living in a great spot in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. So why was I not feeling fulfilled?? I mean, isn't that the goal? Following all the rules, graduating a decent school, getting a good job, working up the ladder, and making more money with title increases along the way to build up my lifestyle and be call myself happy and successful? Isn't that what it's all about?

 Well, for a long time, it was what I believed. It was as if I was programmed to think that this was the only way to achieve "success" and happiness. Quite honestly, it was all I knew how to be up until I lost my job in early 2018.

 It may sound crazy, but it was my greatest gift and became such a defining moment for me in my life. The idea that I could create an experience that felt right for my soul and not merely move up a ladder for title and money seemed foreign to many people, including me.  

 The thing about life is, sometimes we don't get what we want, but we sure as hell get what we need. The layoff was a blessing that made me wake up and gain perspective over my life and the world around me. I am a believer that the universe is always sending us signs, and what may seem to be a shitty situation at that moment is a "lifeline" from above to help us on our path. I was fortunate to recognize this sign and transform my life to get me where I am today. I went from a girl living in NY for the past 37 years, working in the fashion industry for 15 years, to living in Bali (Yes, I'm still in shock). It continued to get better as I started my dream coaching and mindset business, Your Everyday Dream, because I am living my everyday dream, and so should you!

 Ironically, in the process, I realized that the thing that gives me purpose and meaning is inspiring and impacting others to build the courage to go after and fight for their dreams. 

Knock, Knock, 2021 is around the corner:

If you are unclear about your purpose, if you are not hungry each day to pursue what lights your soul up, it is time to ask yourself the introspective questions and start digging. Start here:

  • Who I am is valuable because…?

  • What I’m doing brings me joy because…?

  • In a year from now, I want to be …?

  • If time and money were not a concern, would I live my life the same way I am now or would I do things differently?

 By the end of 2020, what change do you want to create in your life?

Write it down and ask yourself if what you are doing today is helping you achieve this goal? Even if the goal is significant, you can take small steps to move further along and progress. Do not wait for January 1st, 2021, to start. Start today, even the small steps count!

Here is an easy way to getting started and jotting down your dreams→ Download your FREE Bucket list Blueprint Vision for your Dreams Guide now and book your free dream session call today and we can discuss your goals further. If you are not sure if you are living your passion currently, take this quiz to find out.



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